Writing a thesis: 5 tips!
You’ve finally completed all your research and have reached the last, concluding step of your academic journey: writing the thesis. In this document, you will present your research and demonstrate what you’ve worked on for years.
Writing a thesis can be quite a challenge for some. Not everyone is a natural writer, after all. We understand that you want to showcase your hard work properly in your thesis, so we’ve put together some tips to help you.
Tip 1: create a plan of action
Good preparation will ultimately save you a lot of time. Therefore, create a plan of action for writing your thesis. Keep in mind that this plan may change as you spend more time writing your thesis, so be flexible.
Items you can include in your plan of action are the main research question, subquestions, sources, chapter structure, and the bibliography. This way, you’ll already have the main components of your thesis outlined.
Tip 2: start writing early
A thesis consists mainly of text, as this is what you’ll ultimately submit as a student. Therefore, it’s essential to start writing as early as possible. This is especially important because you’ll need to have at least one article published as a graduate student.
Plan dedicated writing time, like daily and weekly slots, to ensure you not only keep track of your research but also improve your writing skills over time.
Tip 3: don’t leave your APA till the last moment
Creating a bibliography in APA style for just one page can take hours. Thesis bibliographies are rarely just one page long. That’s why it’s advisable to keep track of your APA style (citations and references) as you write.
If you’re unsure whether you’ll use a specific text in your final version, consider creating a separate document to describe the literature pieces. Add the sources directly (in-text and as references). If you decide to use this text, you can easily add the sources to your reference list and thesis by copying and pasting them.
Tip 4: read other theses
Existing theses can provide guidance when you’re struggling with structuring your own thesis. Pay attention to the format and organization others have used. The advantage is that these theses have already been approved, giving you a clear idea of expectations.
Tip 5: seek a fresh perspective
Four eyes always see more than two. Therefore, consider exchanging theses with another graduate student. You might notice something in their thesis that you hadn’t thought of, or you might realize there’s something you haven’t done yet. Moreover, you’ll receive valuable feedback from someone in a similar position.
If you don’t have the time (or desire) to review another person’s thesis, there are plenty of experts who can evaluate your thesis and provide feedback.
Printing your thesis
Once you’ve completed your thesis, our final tip is to have it professionally designed. We would be happy to assist you in creating a fantastic version of it. Feel free to contact us or ask questions on our website at Magnificus.
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